Four days in Sion
By George on January 29, 2016 in Association of European ConservatoiresThanks to the kind inviation of Jan Dobrzelewski, Jane and I spent four very enjoyable days in Sion, Switzerland from 20 to 24 January. The invitation came to give a lecture on the instrumental and chamber works of Benjamin Britten in the regular series of the conservatoire HEMU. Leading up to this we rehearsed Britten’s Phantasy Quartet for two days with violinist Ruslan Apostolov and violist Elise Lehec – a most enjoyable time working with these fine players. We performed the quartet at the end of the lecture on Saturday 23 January.
Sion is a most beautiful place and we had brief chances to see the town and the area surrounding. The conservatoire has just 60 students but all very high level string players working with distinguished teachers. An ideal place to work intensively and away from the rush of city life!
Thanks to Jan Dobrzelewski for wonderful hospitality (the food was amazing!) in Sion.
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