Opera Rara and L’Ange de Nisida
By George on July 19, 2018 in OperaHaving become involved with Opera Rara this year as the company seeks to find a long-term home for its archive of 19th Century first editions, manuscripts, programmes, letters and other related documents, I was delighted to be able to see the production of Donizetti’s L’Ange de Nisida at the Royal Opera House on 18 July. The whole history of why this significant work was never perfromed until now is a fascinating one and surely Candida Mantica and Opera Rara must be congrtaulated on brining the original back to life – no mean feat as this involved extensive and forensic work on the shredded manuscript sources and disentanglement from the subsequent creation of La Favorita.
This production under the brilliant direction of Mark Elder proved the worth of the whole project with outstanding performances from Joyce El-Khoury as Sylvia, Vito Priante as Fernand, David Junghoon Kim as Leone and Laurent Naouri as a fabulously funny Gaspar. Thanks to Charles Alexander (below) and Henry Little for all they did to bring this about.
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