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It’s now a year since I first received the phone call that led to my appointment as Interim Principal of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Now, one year on it is hard to believe that I am coming to the end of my time at the College. I have had a wonderful time, made so many new friends and am leaving with high hopes for the future here in Cardiff!

Since my last post on the RWCMD the summer has been filled with some exciting performances: I loved the Richard Burton Company’s Candide by Mark Ravenhill with the audience invited in through the theatre to an inner stage for the second act. Other highlights  included the Symphony Orchestra’s concert in St David’s Hall with Samuel Hau as soloist in Szymanowski’s Violin Concert No 1 and brilliant playing from the orchestra under David Jones in works by Gershwin and Bernstein, The Magic Flute in Martin Constantine’s enchanting contemporary account of this magical tale with Gareth Jones as conductor and the Conductors’ Showcase featuring Tom Crane, Christopher Holley and Andrew Thompson directing works by Borodin, Tchaikovsky, Khatchaturian and Shostakovitch – a Russian feast.

On 20 June, the Ian Stoutzker Prize final featured Laura Deignan (clarinet) in works by Ireland and Weber, Grant Jameson (euphonium) in works by Horovitz, Carl Hohne and Karl Jenkins, Nuno Lucas (piano) in works by Ravel and Mozart and Charlotte MacClure (violin) in works by Enescu, Bartok and Sibelius. In the end, Laura Deignan’s Weber Concertino won the day with an eloquent account that won over jury and audience alike. Congratulations to Laura.

Other memorable performances included the Musical Theatre’s Betty Blue Eyes with George Stiles settings of Alan Bennett’s enchanting lyrics in a story from post-war Yorkshire and Feast, a Faustian tale of fine dining and foolish choices by our puppeteers in the cavernous surroundings of the Depot.

I also enjoyed a moving performance of Twelfth Night with Esme Allen as a touching Viola and Alex Wanebo equally passionate as Olivia. These two presented the ‘make me a willow cabin’ scene as part of an Evening of Music and Drama that we presented before TRH Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall at their beautiful home in Carmarthenshire this week. The whole performance directed by Marilyn le Conte was a delight and has contributed to a festive mood at the end of our summer season.

More seriously, I finish my year with the news that the Murphy Report may soon be out with indications about the College’s future development to be revealed. I wish John Derrick all the best in taking this forward. We have announced a secondment for John Cranmer as Director of Academic Development  with Kevin Price to be Acting Director of Music for 2018 – 2019. Today we launch the new Alumni Association and in Sepember the inaugural Staff Development Day will give more voice to our distinguished teaching staff.

And lastly, students. Students are really at the heart of all that happens in the RWCMD. Thank you to Brian Weir and to SU President, Lloyd Pearce for an amazing year and for all that you have done to support the progress of the College.

Au revoir!


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